Wednesday, September 7, 2011

explorer.exe stop working windows 7

Hellow everybody, if you get trouble like the picture above here is the solution ; The problem may be related to a corrupt .cpl loading in the control panel. Please try the following steps to locate that item:Navigate to %windir%\System32 On the top right search for *.cpl In the Results, sort by Type, and review all of the Control Panel Item Types....

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Change The Address bar Icon (Favicon)

If you open a web/blog you will see an icon on addressbar. If you make blog in blogger your default icon will be like this: But you can change the icon (favicon) with your own picture. it's very simple to do that. The first thing you have to do is prepare an image with low dimension, it's about 22x22 pixel to 32x32 pixel, actualy bigger is no problem...

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Medical Record Source Code

good morning all,today i just gonna share about my visual basic program.this software intended to every hospital management,clinic,and which deals with medical records. it using microsoft access as it's database,and some coding is easily understood even thought a layman. really?just try your self. okay,without many strings attached.cause I've to go...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Get your Free .Com .Net .Org Domain (100% Working)

have you ever imagined to get a domain which is very popular in cyberspace? I had never dreamed, but now that all is not that popular domain mimpi.medapatkan can be obtained by anyone without cost any payment. how?that's the big question spread out in our mind,isn't it? allright without any speech,... please check this out! the first,you have to...

Porting Android (Java) applications to Qt for Symbian

As an initiative of  The Open Handset Alliance and Google, Android has been developed as the first open and free platform for mobile phones. The project has been developed since November 5, 2007, when Google Inc., Intel, T-Mobile, Sprint, HTC, Qualcomm and Motorola decided to achieve an ambitious goal: provide...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

How to Make Free SMS Widget in Blog and Website

hai guys, information such as title above will not again to discuss it at length. certainly with this tool you can send sms for free via your blog. and also of course the advantage of installing this widget is to gain traffic. gain additional traffic for your blog. but there is still lack of this widget is that it can not receive a reply sms....

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